County-level data on U.S. opioid distributions, demographics, healthcare supply, and healthcare access

Published: 19 February 2024| Version 9 | DOI: 10.17632/dwfgxrh7tn.9
Kevin Griffith


This repository includes data from the Health Resources & Services Administration's Area Health Resources Files (years 2000-2001, 2004-2022), CDC Wonder, National Conference of State Legislatures, and the Drug Enforcement Agency's Automation of Reports and Consolidated Orders System (ARCOS). AHRF data are updated annually, and are also provided in R (*.RDS) and Stata-friendly (*.dta) formats. Please cite the following publication when using this dataset: KN Griffith, Y Feyman, SG Auty, EL Crable, TW Levengood. (2021). County-level data on U.S. opioid distributions, demographics, healthcare supply, and healthcare access. Data in Brief 35: e106779. These data were originally collected for the following research article: Griffith, KN, Feyman, Y, Crable, EL, & Levengood, TW. (2021). “Implications of county-level variation in U.S. opioid distribution.” Drug and Alcohol Dependence 219: e108501. Special thanks to everyone who sent us historical AHRFs (Randy Ellis, Kimberley Geissler, Wenjia Zhu, and others) and to Monica Aswani for bringing a data error to our attention.


Steps to reproduce

1. Download data 2. Run R script "AHRF Prepper 11-28-20.R" to combine the annual AHRF datasets 3. Run R script "DIB Data Prep 11-28-20.R" to combine AHRF, ARCOS, WONDER, and NCSL datasets


Public Health, Health, Opioid, Health Services Research, Pain Management, Prescription Medication, Opioid Abuse, Prescription Drug Abuse, Drug Overdose
