HCWs Post SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination Data
This data is about immune response to Anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccination in Healthcare workers at a a teaching hospital in Kenya. This was a follow-up study of over 1,600 HCWs who had participated in an earlier pre-vaccine SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence study. The study population included clinical and non clinical staff working at the Aga Khan University Hospital Nairobi Kenya (AKUHN) and who during the COVID-19 epidemic were categorised into several risk groups depending on the perceived risk of exposure to SARS-CoV-2 infections in their work stations. Clinical and non-clinical HCWs working within AKUHN who were vaccinated were included in this follow-up study. Recruitment of participants for this phase started on October 19, 2021, and ended on November 30, 2022. Each participant had blood samples drawn at two-time points spanning 6-18 months after vaccination. Additional data on vaccination, possible side effects, and a history of new SARS-CoV-2 infections were captured in an already existing REDCap® (Vanderbilt University) database. SARS-CoV-2 spike antibodies were determined using the Wantai® total spike antibody kit (Beijing Wantai Biological Pharmacy Enterprise, China) on an automated ELISA and chemiluminescent platform respectively. The Wantai® kit has a manufacturer’s reported sensitivity of 96.7% and a specificity of 97.5%. Results from these tests were expressed semi-quantitatively as a signal-to-cut-off ratio (S/Co) for both assays. A S/Co value ≥ 1.0 was considered positive. Demographic, work related, clinical and laboratory data are in the spread sheet under the appropriate column headings.