Data of the study: "Extending the limits of force endurance: Stimulation of the motor or the frontal cortex?"

Published: 16 September 2017| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/dy89c6hg5b.2
Rémi Radel


The datafile is an excel file containing all the data of the study: "Extending the limits of force endurance: Stimulation of the motor or the frontal cortex?". These data were collected from January to March 31, 2017 at the Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis by Rémi Radel, Gauthier Denis and Gavin Tempest. The laboratory log.xlsx file includes all information on the participants. The AllData.xlsx file includes all data on all variables. The NIRS, the force, and the EMG data are already processed on this file. The raw DATA file contains the raw NIRS data (.oxy3 files) and the raw force and EMG data (.acq files). All variables and their processing are described in the corresponding manuscript. The link to the manuscript will be added upon acceptance of the paper. Outliers have not been removed from the data in this version of the dataset.



