High-resolution MRI data of brain C57BL/6 and BTBR mice in three different anatomical views

Published: 23 August 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/dz9x23fttt.1
Vasiliy Reshetnikov, Kseniya Ayriyants, Yulia Ryabushkina, Nikita Sozonov, Oleg Shevelev , Polina Kisaretova, Natalya Bondar


Eight groups of mice were set up: control C57Bl6 males and females, control BTBR males and females, maternally separated C57Bl6 males and females, and maternally separated BTBR males and females. On PND40, these animals underwent an intravital volumetric analysis of various brain regions by the MRI technique (Table 1). Brain morphology of the animals was studied on the equipment of a multi-access center, the “Center for Genetic Resources of Laboratory Animals” at the ICG SB RAS (RFMEFI62119X0023), i.e., on a horizontal tomograph (Biospec 117/16 USR, Bruker, Germany) with a magnetic field strength of 11.7 T. Three minutes before the analysis, the animals were immobilized by gas anesthesia (isoflurane, Baxter Healthcare Corp., USA) using an anesthesia machine (The Univentor 400 Anesthesia Unit, Univentor, Malta) and then restrained by the paws on an MRI table. The depth of anesthesia was monitored by means of a pneumatic breathing sensor (SA Instruments, Stony Brook, NY, USA) placed under the lower torso. A heated tomographic bed with circulating water (35 °C) was utilized to maintain normal body temperature of the mice. All images of mouse brains were obtained using a receive-transmitter volume (T12970V3) 1H radiofrequency coil. T2 images in three orthogonal projections were captured by the RARE (rapid with relaxation enhancement) method with the following pulse sequence parameters: TE = 11 ms, TR = 2.5 s (slice thickness 0.5 mm, field of view 2.0 × 2.0 cm, and matrix size 256 × 256 pixels).



Institut citologii i genetiki SO RAN


Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Brain
