Data for: Application and characterization of metamodels based on artificial neural networks for building performance simulation: a systematic review

Published: 9 April 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/f2w3m3zs4t.1
Nadia Roman, Roberto Lamberts, Victor Fachinotti, Facundo Bre


This supplementary data presents the search results and the summary of the features selected to analyze for a systematic review of metamodels based on artificial neural networks for building performance simulation. The files information is described below: * Search_1.pdf: Search results for "metamodel + building + energy" on Google Scholar. Date of last search: November 15th, 2019. * Search_2.pdf: Search results for "surrogate model + building + energy" on Google Scholar. Date of last search: November 15th, 2019. * SelectedSearchResults.xlsx: Filtered literature results with several summary tables showing the features analized.



Artificial Neural Networks, Metamodeling, Energy Conservation in Building, Building Physics Modeling, Building Physics Simulation
