Geochemical data compilation for the western Wabigoon and southern Abitibi subprovinces of the Superior Province, Ontario, Canada

Published: 24 April 2023| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/f493ctkr38.2
Rebecca Montsion


This lithogeochemical database presents compiled and new analytical results for the western Wabigoon and southern Abitibi subprovinces of the Superior Province in Ontario, Canada. These data are intended to be applied to a range of geoscientific studies that investigate broad geodynamic processes, mineral system modelling, and to aid in geologic mapping. Additionally, they provide a basis for comparative studies between the two regions, which are geologically similar but economically disparate. Several open access datasets released by the Ontario Geological Survey and the Geological Survey of Canada, as well as new analysis results from recent fieldwork were combined, integrated, and underwent quality assurance to produce a comprehensive lithogeochemical database. Data contained within this publication are co-submitted with Montsion et al. (submitted).


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University of Western Australia, Laurentian University


