Corporate social responsibility (CSR) of e-commerce business

Published: 14 November 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/f494tk73bj.1


The first part of the dataset contains a selection of the top-30 publicly traded e-commerce companies that are leaders in the ranking of the number of employees in 2021 according to Companiesmarketcap (2022). Data on the earnings of e-commerce business structures, as well as on the number of their employees are given. The sample includes developed (Norway, Canada, Germany, Great Britain, Japan, Singapore, South Korea) and developing (Poland, Indonesia, Argentina, China) countries. In the first part of the dataset, a selection of 16 the most responsible companies in the retail industry in the United States in 2020 was formed. Data on the sales of e-commerce business structures are provided. Company sales statistics are taken from Global 2000 for 2021 (Forbes, 2022). Data on the quality of ESG-management (Environmental Score; Social Score; Corporate Governance Score) is also given. ESG management quality statistics are taken for 2020 (according to the results of the year, that is, relevant at the beginning of 2021). Описание датасета на русском языке: В первой части датасета сформирована выборка из top-30 publicly traded e-commerce companies, являющихся лидерами рейтинга численности работников в 2021 г. по версии Companiesmarketcap (2022). Приведены данные о доходах бизнес-структур электронной торговли, а также о числа их работников. В выборку включены развитые (Норвегия, Канада, Германия, Великобритания, Япония, Сингапур, Южная Корея) и развивающиеся (Польша, Индонезия, Аргентина, Китай) страны. В первой части датасета сформирована выборка из 16 the most responsible companies in retail industry в США в 2020 г. Приведены данные о доходах бизнес-структур электронной торговли. Статистика доходов компаний взята из материалов “Global 2000” за 2021 г. (Forbes, 2022). Также приведены данные о качестве ESG-управления. Статистика качества ESG-управления взята за 2020 г. (по итогам года, то есть актуально на начало 2021 г.).


Steps to reproduce

The dataset was formed by systematizing data from the following open sources: 1. Newsweek (2022). America`s most responsible companies 2020. URL: 2. Companiesmarketcap (2022). Top publicly traded e-commerce companies by number of employees (November 07 2022). URL: 3. Forbes (2022). Global 2000 – 2021. URL:


Moskovskij gosudarstvennyj institut mezdunarodnyh otnosenij MID Rossii


e-Commerce, Business Economics, Corporate Social Responsibility
