Wind power potential in highlands of the Bolivian Andes: A numerical approach

Published: 18 August 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/f49sc2w25c.1
Rober Mamani,


The data is from the research work "Wind power potential in highlands of the Bolivian Andes: A numerical approach" submitted to "Energies". This cointains the namelist and wind-turbine.tbl files for the WRF-ARW simulations, the coordinates of wind farms, and MERRA2 data used in this work.


Steps to reproduce

MERRA2 was used to select the year and months for WRF simulations. Namelist files and wind-turbine files were used to perform the simulations with WRFv3.8.1 lat_lon_grids_with_wind_farms.xlsx are the coordinates of the grids where wind farms were added in the WRF simulations.


Wind Energy, Andes, Bolivia, Climate Data, Wind Farms, Energy Meteorology, Energy Modelling
