New Jersey Superfund Sites and Annual Income 2016-2022 US Census Data

Published: 9 December 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/f4c7wtygy6.1
Eniyah Garner, Patricia Dominick


Superfund sites are locations deemed by the United States federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as “uncontrolled or abandoned hazardous-waste sites” (EPA). There are currently 1,224 of these sites in the United States, 113 of which are located within the state of New Jersey. This is more than any other state. The Environmental Protection Agency highlights that negative health impacts within a 2 mile radius of Superfund sites is common due to exposure to pollutants and toxins such as “lead, arsenic, and mercury”(EPA). Given this largely negative impact, Geographic Information System software was used to create a visual showing the proximity of Superfund sites in New Jersey to areas of low income.



Drew University


Geographic Information Systems, Health, New Jersey
