Contour Detection for Bicubic Spline Surfaces
Published: 13 February 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/f4hfsfrsy4.1
Hiroyuki GotoDescription
Vector datasets in the ESRI's Shapefile format. Location: Izu-Oshima island, Tokyo, Japan Projection: EPSG-4301-Tokyo Elevation interval: e10 (10m), e25 (25m)
Steps to reproduce
Invoke an app with GIS functionalities (the contributor use QGIS) to incorporate the datasets. Set the coordinate systems to EPSG-4301. 1. Contours: named eXX-contour.shp If 'area' >0, then that means hill, if 'area' < 0, then means depression. 2. Streamlines: named eXX-stream.shp If 'direction' = 1, then that means upward streamline, if 'direction' = 2, then means downward streamline. 3. Slope analysis: named e0.1-slope.shp
Hosei Daigaku - Koganei Campus
Computer Science, Cartography, Geographic Information Systems, Geographical Information Science, Computational Engineering
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science