Design as an Agent of Narratives; Stakeholders' Responses to an End-User Narrative Exploration Exercise
This dataset was collected through an exercise that aimed to establish which narratives to include in the design of an exoskeleton, and to explore how the narratives could and should be incorporated into the project according to different stakeholders. The research aimed to initiate negotiation and speculation about end-user narratives amongst and understand how different stakeholders suggest the narratives could be embedded and scaled through the project and beyond.
Steps to reproduce
Participating stakeholders (n=10) from an exoskeleton design project were presented with narratives on flashcards (n=9) accompanied by illustrations and example quotes from the end-user interviews the narratives were derived from. The participating stakeholders were then asked to carry out an exercise consisting of the following 3 steps: (1) Nominate which narrative(s) are most important to incorporate into the project, (2) explain your reason for nominating this narrative, (3) suggest how the nominated narrative could or should be incorporated into the design process and beyond. The participating stakeholders were provided with a worksheet to record their responses to this exercise, which were collected and synthesised to form this dataset.