Spiritual Intelligence and Life Satisfaction: The mediating effect of Emotion Regulation
The current study attempts to investigate the association among the domains of Spiritual intelligence, components of emotion regulation, and life satisfaction among emerging adults, assuming they are responsible individuals and make autonomous choices in life. The study was conducted on 214 college students between 18 to 26 years selected using a convenient sampling method. Measures of spiritual intelligence, emotion regulation, and life satisfaction were administered. The data was analyzed to calculate the correlation of coefficients followed by multiple regression analysis carried out through Jamovi software to test the mediation effect of cognitive reappraisal and Expressive Suppression between spiritual intelligence and life satisfaction domains. The findings of the study have shown a significant positive association between spiritual intelligence, emotion regulation, and life satisfaction among college students. Hypothesis 1. There would be a positive relationship among the components of spiritual intelligence (Critical Existential Thinking, Personal Meaning Production, Transcendental Awareness, Conscious State Expansion), dimensions of emotion regulation (Cognitive reappraisal & Expressive suppression), and life satisfaction. 2. Emotion regulation (Cognitive reappraisal & Expressive suppression) would be positively associated with components of spiritual intelligence and life satisfaction. 3. There would be a direct effect of the components of spiritual intelligence on young adults’ life satisfaction. 4. There would be an indirect effect of emotion regulation (Cognitive reappraisal & Expressive suppression on components of spiritual intelligence and life satisfaction of emerging adults. The comprehensive survey took almost 25 minutes to complete. The raw scores were calculated and recorded in an Excel sheet after receiving the participants’ responses. Data analysis was conducted using Jamovi software, employing correlation and multiple regression analysis to obtain the results.
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The correlation research design was employed to assess the present empirical research objectives. In any correlational study, researchers want to discover the direction, strength, and significance of the association or connection between the variables.