Health state utility valuations in relation to the Dermatology Life Quality Index
These data were collected for our empirical research about the utility valuation of skin disease-related health states. The data were collected through an online survey to which respondents were recruited from the adult general population of Hungary. The sample was selected by non-probabilistic quota sampling, and it is representative of the adult general population of Hungary in terms of main demographic characteristics. Data collection and the research was funded by the Ministry for Innovation and Technology of Hungary conjointly with Corvinus University of Budapest. The data set contains the data of n=2001 participants, who were asked to provide time trade-off (TTO) utility valuations concerning hypothetical, dermatologically relevant health states. Participants were randomly assigned to one of 18 experimental conditions (‘random blocks’) determining the health states to be valuated. Each random block contained five health states, which were presented to participants in randomized order. Health states were described in terms of their skin disease-related negative impacts on life quality, corresponding to specific combinations of severity levels according to the Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) scale. As for the TTO valuation task, participants were asked to imagine having a remaining lifespan of ten years, which they were to live in a given hypothetical health state. Then they had to indicate how many of these ten years they would be willing to give up in exchange for regaining perfect health for the rest of their lives. There were 21 response categories ranging from 0 to 10 years by half-year increments. [0–1] utility values (y) were calculated for each response according to the formula y=1-t/10, whereby t was the individuals’s choice in the TTO valuation task, i.e. the number of years he/she would be willing to trade off for perfect health. The primary objective of the research was to investigate how health state utility valuations were related to scores on the ten items of the DLQI scale.