Database on Physics content in Natural Science Collections of the Brazilian Textbook Program (PNLD) in the 2021 edition

Published: 26 June 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/f5cxw49bnr.1
Maria Ines Martins,


This database is a result of our in-depth study on the Physics content in the Natural Science (NS) Collections approved in the Brazilian Textbook Program (PNLD) 2021 edition. We meticulously analyzed 42 textbooks (TB), forming 7 NS collections, with 6 TB each. Our research delved into the authors´ educational background and the distribution of Physics content and themes through documental and content analysis. The key findings of this study are the well-balanced distribution of themes among physics (33.82%), biology (33.82%), and chemistry (32.36%). The authorship composition, primarily derived from the back cover of the textbooks, ranged from exclusive training in biology to a fair representation of authorship from physics, biology, and chemistry backgrounds.


Steps to reproduce

The database is designed for easy navigation and understanding, structured in Excel sheets. The first sheet, titled “Coleções CN PNLD 2021” (National Science Collections PNLD 2021), provides collection titles (collection title and volumes titles), codes (collection code and volumes codes), publishing details, and links to access the full textbooks. The second sheet, “Gráficos e Tabelas” (Graphics and Tables), presents a table and graph by collection, illustrating the consolidated distribution of Physics, Biology, and Chemistry themes. The following 7 sheets, named by collection title (1 Ciências da Natureza, 2 Conexões, 3 Diálogo, 4 Matéria, Energia e Vida, 5 Moderna Plus, 6 Multiversos, 7 Ser Protagonista), contain 3 tables each on the author´s educational background, on the distribution and consolidation of teachers (physics, biology, chemistry) under the chapter's recommendations of each book.


Pontificia Universidade Catolica de Minas Gerais


Natural Sciences, Physics, Textbook, High School Education
