Conversion of powder coating waste into solvent-based polymer paints.
Published: 19 February 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/f5wbxxk4n8.1
Valeriy IzmaylovDescription
The work proposed a novel approach for creating solvent-based polymer paints from powder coating waste. This dataset accompanies the paper Valeriy Izmaylov; Conversion of powder coating waste into solvent-based polymer paints; Journal “Lakokrasochnye materialy i ikh primenenie”, No 1-2, 2024 yr., pp. 38-40. ISSN 0130-9013. Please cite the above reference if you wish to use this data.
Steps to reproduce
The work proposed a novel approach for creating solvent-based polymer paints from powder coating waste. Polymer paints were created by dissolving powder coating waste with a complex solvent and adding a crosslinking agent - aliphatic polyisocyanate. The final product has been tested for quality control.
Powder Coating, Paint Material, Industrial Waste