Pre- and Post-Scores for Teacher Candidates on TPACK Levels and MCOP2 Rubrics
These data are for 17 secondary mathematics teacher candidates (TCs) in four university teacher preparation programs, who implemented technology in their classrooms to teach for conceptual understanding in online, hybrid, and face-to-face classes during COVID-19. Using the Professional Development: Research, Implementation, and Evaluation (PrimeD) framework, a Networked Improvement Community (NIC) was formed by teacher candidates, classroom mentor teachers, field experience supervisors, and university faculty to discuss a commonly agreed upon problem of practice and a change idea to implement in the classroom. Through Plan-Do-Study-Act cycles, participants documented their improvement efforts and refinements to the change idea and then reported back to the NIC at the subsequent monthly meeting. The Technology Pedagogical Content Knowledge framework (TPACK) and the TPACK levels rubric (Lyublinskaya & Tournaki, 2011) were used to examine how teacher candidates implemented technology for Mathematics conceptual understanding. The Mathematics Classroom Observation Protocol for Practices (MCOP^2; Gleason, Livers, & Zelkowski, 2015) was used to further examine how effective mathematics teaching practices (e.g., student engagement) were implemented by TCs.