Data for: Age-related decline in disengaging spatial attention in physiological aging (Pedale et al. 2024) Brain Sciences
ANT DESCRIPTION Each trial consisted of the presentation of an initial black fixation cross (on a grey background) for a duration ranging from 400 to 1600 ms. After this interval, an attentional cue could be presented for 100 ms. The cue could either replace the fixation point (i.e., “central cue” condition), be presented both above and below the fixation point (i.e., “double cue” condition), or be presented either above or below the fixation point (i.e., “spatial cue” condition). Otherwise, no cue was presented (i.e., “no cue” condition). After a short fixation period of 400 ms, the target appeared. This consisted of a central black triangle-arrow presented above or below the central fixation point, vertically aligned with the centre of the display. The target triangle-arrow could be oriented either on the left or right side. The target triangle-arrow could be presented along with black squares (“neutral” trials) or along with flanking triangle-arrows oriented toward the same (“congruent” trials) or the opposite direction (“incongruent” trials). The participants were asked to discriminate the left vs. right target orientation by pressing as quickly as possible one of two response keys, within a temporal window of 1700 ms. THE DATA FILE The data file (ANT_data.xls) contains the data from the 60 participants. Each row represent a single trial. Description of each column of the ANT_data file: ID: Unique anonymized participant identifier. AGE: Age of participant (in years). CUE: Cue type (“No cue”, “Central Cue”, “Spatial Cue”, “Double Cue”). FLANKER: Flanker type (“Congruent”, “Incongruent”, “Neutral”). RT: Response time in milliseconds. The cell is empty in case of no response within the time window of 1.7 sec. ACC: Accuracy value (1 for a correct response, and 0 for an incorrect response).