Data for: In silico prediction of human genes as potential targets for rice miRNAs
With food, a huge variety of biological material gets into the human digestive tract, which the body uses for life support. The variety of food material entering the gastrointestinal tract, especially at the molecular level, cannot be distinguished from endogenous metabolites and these exogenous compounds can significantly alter the body's metabolism. Such compounds include plant miRNAs, which are indistinguishable from endogenous human miRNAs in physicochemical properties. Recently, publications have appeared about the ingestion of exogenous miRNAs into the human body, and therefore it is necessary to know how these miRNAs can be useful or harmful. In the absence of the expected effect of plant miRNAs on all human genes, one cannot be afraid of this effect. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify the degree of influence of exogenous plant miRNAs on the expression of human genes, since it is not known in advance what consequences can occur when plant miRNAs enters the human body. A huge amount of research does not allow experiments with all human genes and all plant miRNAs, so we have studied the effect of plant miRNAs on human genes using computer methods. The MirTarget program used by us with high efficiency determines the quantitative characteristics of the interaction of plant miRNAs with animal mRNAs. Supplemental data contain information that would occupy a large volume in the text of the article. But this information is necessary for understanding and confirming the conclusions of the work.