Maternal care and sex difference in longevity of Toxeus Magnus
Dataset from laboratory experimental data collection of spider life history. The entire longevity (days from hatching to death), developmental time (days from hatching to the last molt), adult longevity (days from the last molt to death) of the corresponding individuals, and the reproductive longevity of the corresponding females (days from laying the first egg clutch to death) were calculated. Description of the data and file structure: Three separate data files in .xls format are included in this archive; missing values are denoted by "NA": 1. female longevity and reproductive state data, measured with daily data recording, used for the analysis of how mating activity and offspring caring influence females' adult longevity (Figure 1C), how "milk" provisioning influence females' reproductive longevity (Figure 1E) and how produced and cared offspring number influence mothers' reproductive longevity (Figure S1). For final data analysis, we separated the data into: * 1_1mating_and_caring_adult_longevity.csv * 1_2milk_provisioning_reproductive_longevity.csv * 1_3offspring_number_reproductive_longevity.csv # 1_info_Female_Longevity_and_Reproductive_State.xls 2. male longevity and reproductive state data, measured with daily data recording, used for the analysis of whether and how mating activity influence males' adult longevity (Figure 2C). For final data analysis, we arranged the data into: * 2mating_male_adult_longevity.csv # 2_info_Male_Longevity_and_Reproductive_State.xlsx 3. sex difference in longevity data, measured with daily data recording, used for the comparison of between-sex difference in longevity under developmental period and adulthood (Figure 3). For final data analysis, we separated the data into: * 3_comparsion_fm_dev.csv * 3_comparsion_fm_adult.csv * 3_comparsion_fm_entire.csv # 3_info_Sex_Difference_in_Longevity.xlsx