H-COUP Version 3: A program for one-loop corrected decays of any Higgs bosons in non-minimal Higgs models

Published: 13 May 2024| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/f88szmrj5x.3


The H-COUP program is provided as a package of Fortran codes, which can compute observables related to Higgs bosons including radiative corrections in various extended Higgs sectors. We give a manual for the latest version of H-COUP (H-COUP_3.0), in which decay rates and branching ratios of all the Higgs bosons can be calculated at one-loop level in EW and Higgs interactions with QCD corrections in the Higgs singlet model, four types of the two Higgs doublet model with a softly-broken Z_2 symmetry, and the inert doublet model. The previous version (H-COUP_2.0) can evaluate those only for the standard model like Higgs boson with the mass of 125 GeV (h). In H-COUP_3.0, renormalized quantities are computed based on the gauge-independent on-shell renormalization scheme. The source code of H-COUP_3.0 can be downloaded via the following link: http://www-het.phys.sci.osaka-u.ac.jp/~hcoup. By using H-COUP_3.0, we can compare the precise measurements of the properties of h and direct searches for additional Higgs bosons with their predictions at one-loop level, by which we can reconstruct the structure of the Higgs sector.



Nuclear Physics, Computational Physics
