Data Set for Manuscript: Physiological Coregulation Intervention Over Video Call in New Relational Dyads
ACQ files are generated by BIOPAC Acqknowledge software. Data was collected using the Biopac MP160 data acquisition system. ACQ files can be read using the software license key from Biopac ( Each data file contains electrodermal activity (EDA) and Photoplethysmography (PPG) for two participants who were paired in a dyad for the duration of the study. Data for participant 1 of the dyad is on channels 1 (PPG) and 9 (EDA). Data for participant 2 of the dyad is on channels 5 (PPG) and 13 (EDA). Raw and cleaned data files are provided. PPG data files were cleaned to identify and remove false positive QRS peaks, and to identify and add false negative QRS peaks. PPG data was converted to RMSSD in AcQknowledge (See manuscript for details). Excel spreadsheet is also provided. This contains PPG and RMSSD data extracted from AcqKnowledge for all dyads at pretest and posttest, along with responses to questionnaire items.