ISI models

Published: 16 May 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/f9h2t766tk.1
Alexandr Yurin, Nikita Dorodnykh, Olga Nikolaychuk, Alexandr Berman, Alexandr Pavlov


A set of conceptual models (for IBM Rational Rose and IHMC CmapTools) describing the basic concepts and relationships in the field of industrial safety inspection. Includes a description of the following concepts: technical object, analysis of geodesic measurements, visual measurement control, flaw detection, hardness measurement, operational diagnostics, assessment of technical condition, thickness, analysis of technical documentation, testing, formation of the conclusion for the inspection and degradation processes (for example, hydrogen embrittlement) occurring in the object of study under the influence of effecting factors.



Concept Analysis, Modelling, Industrial Safety Engineering
