Life Expectancy, Fertility, and Retirement in an Endogenous-growth Model with Human Capital

Published: 25 October 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/fbc8fvmpx8.1
Hung-Ju Chen,
, Koichi Miyazaki


The readme pdf file explains detailed instructions relevant for replication. This data set has been used to examine the impacts of life expectancy on fertility and economic growth. It is compiled from various sources, such as the World Development Indicators (WDI), Global Financial Development (GFD), World Bank Country and Lending Groups, and Polity 5 from the Center for Systemic Peace. We also provide codes for regression analysis and a code used for simulation.


Steps to reproduce

Codes for the model simulations To replicate Figures 1 and 2, the corresponding matcad code named needs to be executed. Codes for the empirical analysis To rune the codes for the empirical part of the paper, Stata is required. The codes that create the final datasets for tables are listed and described below. 1. 1_Statistics (1989) uses data to calculate statistics for the whole sample and subsamples. Results presented as Table A1 and Table A2, respectively. 2. 2_Reg_Basic uses data to run the base regressions for the whole sample. Results are presented in Table 1. 3. 3_1_Reg_SA_lowincome uses data to run the regressions for low-income countries. Results are presented in Table 2. 4. 3_2_Reg_SA_medincome uses data to run the regressions for middle-income countries. Results are presented in Table 2. 5. 3_3_Reg_SA_highincome uses data to run the regressions for high-income countries. Results are presented in Table 2. 6. 3_4_Reg_SA_highlife uses data to run the regressions for countries with life expectancy above 71. Results are presented in Table 3. 7. 3_5_Reg_SA_lowlife uses data to run the regressions for countries with life expectancy below 71. Results are presented in Table 3. 8. 3_Reg_SA uses data to run the regressions for sensitivity analysis. Results are presented in Tables 4-6.


National Taiwan University


Economic Growth, Retirement, Fertility Rate, Government Expenditure on Social Security


Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan

MOST 110-2410-H-002-197-MY3
