Irradiated fuel salt data library for a molten salt reactor produced with Serpent2 and SOURCES 4C codes

Published: 15 September 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/fbnmwnyg92.1
, Sorouche Mirmiran


The data library applies to a selected molten salt reactor concept developed by Seaborg Technologies in Denmark. The data has been collated from output files produced through simulations carried out using the Monte-Carlo particle transport code, Serpent2 and the code SOURCE 4C. The data includes information such as isotopic mass densities (in g/cm3), gamma source (in photons/sec), decay heat (in Watts), spontaneous fission rates (in fissions/sec), neutron emissions rates (in neutrons/s*cm3). The columns use the following naming convention: 1. Isotopic mass density: isotope name i.e. Cs137 for Cesium 137 isotope, Am241 for Americium 241 isotope and so on. 2. Gamma source contributions: Isotope name+’_GS’ i.e. Cs137_GS for contribution of Cesium 137 isotope to gamma emission rates 3. Decay heat contributions: Isotope name+’_DH’ i.e. Am241_GS for contribution of Americium 241 isotope to decay heat production 4. Spontaneous fission rate contributions: Isotope name+’_SF’ i.e. Cf252_SF for contribution of Californium 252 isotope to spontaneous fission rates The neutron emission rates (from spontaneous fissions and from alpha,n reactions) are obtained using SOURCES 4C code and are summed up over all energies and nuclides and included under the columns ‘SF’ and ‘AN’ respectively. The mass densities are reported for a total of 1,398 nuclides. The gamma source, decay heat, and spontaneous fission rate contributions to the total are reported for all 1,398 nuclides. The data library has 310,575 combinations of BU, IE, and CT and 5,600 columns of data associated with each combination describing the henceforth explained properties of the irradiated salt. The data is formatted as a csv (comma separated value) file which can be parsed using popular data analysis tools such as Pandas. CAUTION: It is not advisable to load the data library using an everyday text editor or a spreadsheet management tool (such as Microsoft Word or Excel respectively) due to its large size. The csv file is contained in a zip archive and must be extracted first.


Steps to reproduce

The data was put together by using output files from simulation of fuel salt irradiation in a 3D model of the Seaborg Compact Molten Salt Reactor (CMSR) core in the Monte-Carlo particle transport code, Serpent2. Furthermore, the (alpha, n) and spontaneous fission neutron emission rates from the irradiated salt have been calculated using SOURCES 4C code.


Uppsala universitetsbibliotek


Physics, Machine Learning, Irradiation, Nuclear Fuel, Molten Salt, Nuclear Reactor, Neutronics, Safeguarding, Nuclear Reactor Physics, Application of Monte Carlo Method, Nuclear Waste, Deep Learning


