A set of data on failures of water fittings and its elements

Published: 22 February 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/fbv6wxmkw3.1
Alexander Svintsov, Roman Fediuk


The data were obtained under operational conditions. The data were obtained for five years (2015-2019). These violations of the tightness of the spindle of the piston-type water fittings are presented in Table 1. Failures of water fittings occur as a result of a complex of defects that are formed during operation. The spread of data corresponds to the nature of the defect formation process. The data on the number of defects of the locking element (Table 2) have a normal distribution. Defects in the shut-off element are critical and lead, as a rule, to the failure of piston-type water fittings. The data on the technical condition of piston-type valves (Table 3) revealed the uneven occurrence of failures during the calendar year. These changes in the failure rate of the spindle seal of a water fitting with a ceramic shut-off pair are presented in Table 4. The failures of the spindle seals form part of the general complex of failures of other elements of water fittings with a ceramic shut-off element. The data (Table 5) show that the failure rate of the mechanical seal varies unevenly throughout the year. As a result of the operation of the valve, the pressure of the mechanical seal weakens and the density of the connection of the working surfaces of the ceramic shut-off pair is violated. This leads to the formation of water leaks, which is a failure of the mechanical seal. The data in Table 6 represent the failure rate of water fittings and can be used to make forecasts of its condition depending on the operating conditions.


Steps to reproduce

Water fittings (piston type valve and valve with ceramic shut-off pair) consist of a set of structural elements (body, spindle, shut-off pair, etc.). Data on damages and malfunctions of structural elements of water fittings in operational conditions are provided by the management company responsible for the operation of water supply systems of 9 multistory residential buildings with a total of 3,231 apartments. The data were obtained for a five-year observation period (2015-2019). Based on the integrated use of theoretical, empirical and analytical methods, the data collected in operational conditions are used to assess the reliability of water fittings. The presented methodology allowed to obtain results with high reliability and practical significance.


Rossijskij universitet druzby narodov Inzenernaa akademia


Water Supply


Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

This paper has been supported by the RUDN University Strategic Academic Leadership Program
