Dataset of an in-use tertiary building collected from a detailed 3D Mobile Monitoring System and Building Automation System for indoor and outdoor air temperature analysis
A Mobile Monitoring System (MMS) has been designed taking into account the use of technology with high sensor accuracy and the ability to be installed easily and quickly in different cardinal locations, distribution spaces, volumes and at different heights of a tertiary in-use building located in Leioa (Bilbao). Two types of MMS have been designed with the objective of carrying out two types of analysis; one intended to do a global indoor air temperature uncertainty analysis and the other focused on doing a global outdoor air temperature uncertainty analysis. Eight tripods make up the interior MMS with twenty sensors at different heights, which have been installed in different offices in the building to collect indoor air temperature measurements at different heights and locations. In addition, eight sensors make up the exterior MMS to collect data from outdoor air temperature measurements around the building envelope. Both MMS have been integrated into the existing Building Automation System (BAS) of the tertiary building; some data collected by the BAS has also been taken into account for the uncertainty analysis of indoor and outdoor air temperature. The interior and exterior MMS datasets have been compiled based on a rigorous data collection process, with the potential to use the data to study the spatial air temperature behaviour, taking into account the impact of solar radiation, the heating system and the electrical energy consumption. Furthermore, it enables the global uncertainty of indoor and outdoor air temperature measurements on an in-use building to be estimated and to break it down into the different uncertainty sources, such as the sensor accuracy, vertical and horizontal temperature variability, solar radiation, occupancy and heating system effects. Finally, it enables the optimization of monitoring and control systems for BAS, heating and HVAC systems, as well as any monitoring system implemented in research tests using indoor and/or outdoor temperature measurements as key variables.
Steps to reproduce
The datasets of this repository have been collected from two types of experimental tests: 1. INTERIOR EXPERIMENTAL TEST. Two types of test have been carried out using the interior MMS: 1.2. Office Typology (OT) test: The OT test period datasets are prefixed by OTp.Tj, with p = 1 to 4 and j = 1 to 8. Four office typologies were monitored, OT1, OT2, OT3 and OT4. The sensors were installed at different heights on each tripod: High (h): Located 30 cm from the OT ceiling. Medium (m): Located midway between the ceiling and floor of each OT. Low (l): Located 30 cm from the OT floor. 1.2. Tripod Together (TT) test: The TT period test datasets are prefixed by TT.Tj with j = 1 to 8. All sensors were installed at the same height (at an average of 174 cm with a ±12 cm strip) and the same location. Example: OT1.T1.h.1_T(C)_w22.csv or TT.T1.h.1_T(C)_w22.csv: OT1 (OT one) or TT (Tripod Together), T1 (Tripod one), h (Location sensor at high), 1 (sensor ID), T(C) (Temperature measurement (ºC), w22 (Week of year). 2. EXTERIOR EXPERIMENTAL TEST. The exterior experimental test is composed of two tests: 2.1. Exterior (E) test: The E test period datasets are prefixed by E.Fn and E.R3, with n = 1 or 2 (floor level). 2.2. Exterior Together (ET) test: The ET test period datasets are prefixed by ET.R3. All sensors are installed at the same location, five (sensor IDs 20 to 24) over the roof floor, while two (sensor IDs 25 to 26) are on the roof mast. The sensor ID 27 is also on a roof mast. Example: E.F1.n.20_T(C)_w22.csv or ET.F1.n.20_T(C)_w22.csv: E (Exterior) or ET (Exterior Together), F1 (Location: floor 1), n (cardinal orientation: north), 20 (sensor ID), T(C) (Temperature measurement (ºC), w22 (Week of year). There is a virtual tripod (T9) to characterize the BAS measurements: Heating Power (ph) from calorimeter, Active Power (pw) from electricity meters, Solar Radiation (rad). W represents Watts [W] and m2 represents Square Meter [m2]. W-m2 and W/m2 represent Watt by square meter [W/m2]. The ID sensors are: 131 is the total electric power on F2 (F2 is composed of OT1, OT2 and OT3). 141 is the total electric power on F3 (OT4). 132 is the power supplied by the heating system to the north oriented offices at F2 (OT1 and OT2). 133 is the power supplied by the heating system to the south oriented offices at F2 (OT3). 142 is the power supplied by the heating system to the north oriented areas at F3 (OT4). 143 is the power supplied by the heating system to the south oriented areas at F3 (OT4). 142143 is the total heating power supplied by the heating system to the F3 (sum of 142 and 143). 1413 is the horizontal global solar radiation. Protocol communication: MMS: ModBus RS485 and BAS: KNX. More information of experimental tests and datasets in Data in Brief: "Dataset of an in-use tertiary building collected from a detailed 3D Mobile Monitoring System and Building Automation System for indoor and outdoor air temperature analysis"