Data for: Illuminating High Elevation Seasonal Occupational Duration Using Diversity in Lithic Raw Materials and Tool Types in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, USA

Published: 19 November 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/fc7rpwb2s2.1
Rachel Reckin, Lawrence C. Todd


This file includes raw numbers of lithic artifacts from datasets from the Absaroka Mountains and the Beartooth Mountains. They are organized by tool type (bifaces, scrapers and drills/awls), raw materials (chert, chalcedony, obsidian, petrified wood, quartzite, silicified siltstone and volcanic) and time period. The time periods are as follows: Late Prehistoric (200-1,500 cal BP), Late Archaic (1,500-3,200 cal BP), Middle Archaic (3,200-5,700 cal BP), Early Archaic (5,700-8,500 cal BP) and Paleoindian (8,500-12,000 cal BP). In addition, this file includes calculations for the Shannon and Weaver and Simpson diversity indices using these data. Finally, the file includes a comparison of the Shannon Diversity Index and sample size.



Archeology, Anthropological Archeology
