Data for: Effects of Qualitative Data Analysis Softwares on the Quality of Researches published by RAC-Revista de Administração Contemporânea
Data collected in 2016 through semi-structured interviews with ten brazilian researchers with and without experience on the use of QDAS (Qualitative Data Analysis Software). The topic discussed on the interviews was the effects of QDAS on the quality of qualitative research. The aim of this research was to describe the effects of QDAS on the quality of qualitative research from researchers’ perspective. The results showed that the use of a QDAS can potentiate six of the seven quality strategies considered, with emphasis on improvement of researcher’s coherence.
Steps to reproduce
The technique used to analyze this data was content analysis with the support of ATLAS.ti® software. The content analysis occurred through two coding cycles (SALDAÑA, 2009). On the first cycle, we coded statements that related the use of software to research quality, without a pre-defined code list (open coding). On the second cycle, we refined the codes created on the first cycle and grouped them into seven pre-established categories (engagement in data collection; maximum variation; peer review; researcher’s position; respondent validation; rich and thick description and; triangulation).