\Data type and description: Five fastest action sequences were isolated in each subject on Test (day 18). Fastest sequences were initially identified in the timestamp dataset (see SourceData2_JBG007_timestamp.xlsx). Actions were identified in the video recordings, and the audio segments containing each isolated sequence were stripped using VLC as indicated in the methods. Real IPI Raw table contains the exact time of each peak as identified in the soundwave and spectrogram (MATLAB and WaveSurfer).
Steps to reproduce
\Experiment summary: 8 Aged (A1-8; 20-22 months old) and 8 Young (Y1-8; 2-3 months old) mice (C57-Bl6) were submitted to instrumental training (increasing random ratio schedule of reinfocement). CRF: constant reinforcement; RR5: random ratio 5; RR10: random ratio 10; RR20: random ratio 20. Active lever counterbalanced (Left [L] or Right [R]). \Penalising regime: from day 10 of training, a penalising protocol was introduced (pen5). From day 13, this regime was increased to pen7. Pen5: If the last 5 actions are not LP, probability of reward delivery is reseted; Pen7: If the last 7 actions are not LP, probability of reward delivery is reseted. \Test: on Day 18, exercise was the same as Day 17, pellets were not limited. After 20 minutes, behaving mice were rapidly anaesthetised and intracardiacally perfused (see methods)