3,4-DC metabolomic data
Raw all clean targeted data are organized as follow: Sheet SampleInfo with notably sample ID (Sid), sample type (sType) and Group (Grp). Sheet MetabolitesInfos, with notably names of the metabolites, classes of the metabolites, molecular features, neutral monoisotopic masses, and online databases ID (Human Metabolome Data Base, Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes, PubChem and Chebi) Sheets of data with raw peaks areas, raw peaks heights, QC corrected areas (AreaQCCorr) and the Log2 mean centered QC corrected areas (AreaQCCorrLog2Cen). Sheets of data ratios with ratio informations, ratios itself and Log2 mean centered ratios. Raw all clean targeted data are organized as follow: Sheet SampleInfo with sample ID (Sid), sample type (sType) and Group (Grp). Sheet MetabolitesInfos with notably molecule ID: putative names, formula and molecular weight. Sheet of data with raw Area. Statistics sheets: Log2 FC and p-values (ANOVA, post-hoc Tuckey HSD, with FDR adjustment.