Data for: Viscous sintering kinetics of biopolymer filaments extruded for 3D printing (Image Analysis)
Results of the image analysis during sintering sequences. Fusion bonding kinetics between two extruded filaments based on zein plasticized by 20w% glycerol (filament_diameter=2mm, each) at T=80°C, T=100°C, T=120°C, T=125°C, T=130°C and T=140°C (average values and standard deviations for 3 trials carried out at each temperature): - Evolution of the bonding angle, Theta [rad], between the two extruded filaments - Evolution of the convexity index, Iconvex [-], defined as the ratio between the area of the two filaments cross-section and the convex surface (the whole area including the two filaments cross-section and concavities between them). This ratio reaches a value of 1 if the fusion bonding leads to a perfect sintering of the two filaments, without residual concavity.