Data for: You know nothing, John Doe – Judgmental overconfidence in lay climate knowledge

Published: 18 April 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/fdzh49cmf2.1
Annina Thaller, Thomas Brudermann


Data are shared in csv-format and consist of 26 columns and 597 rows (with headings). First column represents the index. Column “last page” indicates on which page the participant closed the survey. As in total there were 7 pages, only those participants with last page = 7 were included for the analysis. (n = 549) Column “control” describes the control question, where control = 1 was the correct answer. All other questionnaires were omitted. (n = 499) The next twenty columns indicate the ten knowledge questions + corresponding confidence levels. Knowledge questions can be incorrect (0) or correct (1). Confidence can range between 50 and 100 in decadal steps. “gender” is binary coded, female (0), male (1), not defined/no answer (NA) “age” is a metric variable, ranging from 18 to 72. “matura” is binary coded, without matura/high school degree (0), with matura/high school degree (1), not defined/no answer (NA) Not relevant data columns for this analysis were removed. Some variables have been recoded or were calculated from other variables. Data were collected in cooperation with market research agency Norstat Deutschland GmbH.



Environmental Psychology
