Spontaneous Rupture of Renal Cell Carcinoma in Pregnancy: A Case Report

Published: 29 June 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/ff2nhrw8g2.1
Mohamed zakieldahshoury,


Renal cell carcinoma is the most common type of malignancy in pregnancy. Rupture of renal cell carci-noma is not uncommon. The diagnosis of renal cell carcinoma is often delayed as the clinical presenta-tion might resemble other pregnancy-related disorders or asymptomatic in most cases and a complete ultrasonographic examination of the abdomen is not a part of the routine obstetric evaluation. We report a rare case with spontaneous rupture of renal cell carcinoma in 20 years old in full-term pregnancy prim-igravida presented by hypertensive disorder and severe abdominal pain with massive retro peritoneum collection, radical nephrectomy was done and the patient life was saved.



Aswan University


Urology, Adolescent Gynecology
