The VirMa Virtual marketplace: a co-designed exercise to enhance the small-scale fisheries value chain

Published: 17 January 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/ff8hmjg2f5.1


An ad-hoc focus group was created to perform a co-design exercise to identify the best innovative approach to overcome issues that emerged during a local small-scale fisheries (SSF) stakeholder consultation (Marche Region, Italy). The scope of that work is to design a virtual marketplace for small-scale fisheries products, based on specific needs coming from different actors of the SSF value chain. A virtual market application was developed using FileMaker© software (Claris International Inc., version 18). This application was able to run both on smart devices, such as smartphones and tablets, and personal computers. This information and communication technology (ICT) allows fishermen to upload their catches on that virtual marketplace, where buyers can order in real-time. The objective is to explore and penetrate new and most valuable market segments, to sustain the SSF value-chain. The activities have been done from February 2019 to December 2020. The dataset here reported shows main screenshots of the so-called VirMa application, with the indications of main functionalities, both from fisherman and from buyer account interface.


Steps to reproduce

This work started from a local small-scale fisheries stakeholders consultation. Based on emerged issues, an ad-hoc application was created based on the specific needs of the value-chain actors. Thanks to that co-design exercise the conceptual workflow was converted into an application. This application was developed using FileMaker© software (Claris International Inc., version 18). The application was able to run both on smart devices, such as smartphones and tablets, and personal computers.


Istituto per le Risorse Biologiche e le Biotecnologie Marine Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerce


Information and Communication Technologies, Ecosystem Sustainability, Fisheries Science, Fisheries Economics
