Are scandium sulfate complexes an effective means of scandium mobilization?

Published: 28 June 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/ffbkzd6yb8.1
, Jiaxin Wang


Data for the manuscript titled "Are scandium sulfate complexes an effective means of scandium mobilization?” by Zhang, Xue-Ni; Williams-Jones, Anthony.E.; Yuan, Shun-Da; Wang, Jiaxin (2024). Table 1 shows the conditions for the AIMD simulation of the geometry of Sc-sulfate complexes at 175 - 250 oC and vapor-saturated water pressure. Table 2 shows the conditions for and results of experiments investigating the speciation of Sc in sulfate-bearing aqueous solutions. Table 3 shows bond lengths and configurations predicted by AIMD simulations for Sc-SO4 complexes. Table 4 shows the formation constants (log β) at temperatures from 175 to 250 oC for the scandium species identified in this study. Table 5 shows the Ryzhenko–Bryzgalin (MRB) model parameters for Sc(SO4)2-. Table 6 shows the equilibrium constants (log k) and their associated uncertainty (2σ) for the Sc2O3 dissolution reaction. Table 7 show the published formation constants for Sc3+sulfate complexes at ambient temperature. Supplementary files show the X-Ray diffractogram (XRD) for Sc2O3 after completion of experiments.



McGill University, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences Institute of Mineral Resources, China University of Geosciences Beijing


Scandium, Solubility, Dynamical Structure of Molecular Complexes, Hydrothermal Mineralization, Chemical Thermodynamics


National Natural Science Foundation of China


China Postdoctoral Science Foundation


National Nonprofit Institute Research Grant of CAGS


NSERC Discovery grant

China Scholarship Council
