Comprehensive split TEV based protein-protein interaction screening reveals TAOK2 as a key modulator of Hippo signalling to limit growth

Published: 9 October 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/ffgc6shz36.1
, Michael Wehr


Raw data for the focused split TEV protein-protein interaction screen on the Hippo pathway. For each interaction pair (bait/prey), six replicates (R1-R6) for fold change (FC) and control (Ctrl) conditions are provided. For data processing, resulting firefly values were divided by Renilla values to yield firefly/Renilla ratios for each well. Next, interaction data for each bait/prey interaction pair was normalized by calculating fold change values over a plate control (provided here as R1-R6). To compute fold changes, the averaged firefly/Renilla ratio of a bait/prey pair (bait-X-NTEV-tcs-GV::prey-Y-CTEV) was divided by the corresponding averaged firefly/Renilla ratio of the bait/RASSF1-noSARAH negative control (i.e., bait-X-NTEV-tcs-GV::R1-noSARAH-CTEV interaction) that was present on the same plate. Log2-transformed fold changes values were ranked and values above 1 (corresponds to a fold change of 2 and more) were considered as high-confidence hits. For the statistical analysis, each of the six replicates of firefly/Renilla ratios of a given bait/prey interaction pair were divided by the mean of the control bait/RASSF1-noSARAH negative control, yielding six normalized replicates per interaction. To compute statistical significance for each bait/prey pair, adjusted P values for multiple comparisons were calculated using the false discovery rate (FDR) correction method.



Cancer, Protein-Protein Interaction, Cell Proliferation, Tumor Suppressor Gene, Kinase Signaling, Hippo Signaling Pathway, Cell-Based Assays
