Suppl. material "Checkpoint Inhibitor-induced lichen planus differs from spontaneous lichen planus on the clinical, histological and gene expression level"

Published: 7 February 2024| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/ffzjcnfmcg.2
Barbara Meier-Schiesser


Suppl. Figure 1. Gene expression analysis of lichen planus subtypes reveals notable differences in the gene expression profiles of immune-related Lichen planus, spontaneous Lichen planus and non-disease controls. (A) Heatmap showing the hierarchical clustering of 730 analyzed genes using NanoString. Volcanoplots of showing log2 fold change on x axis (cutoff at fold change =1.5 and -1.5); log10 (padj) with cutoff at p adj. = 0.05 on y axis; up- (green) and downregulated (purple) genes in irLP vs NDC (B), LP vs NDC (C) and irLP vs LP (D); irLP: immune-related lichen planus; LP: lichen planus; NDC: non-disease controls. Suppl. Figure 2. Cell distribution in immune-related lichen planus, spontaneous lichen planus and healthy skin. Algorithms from meta-analysis databases (PanglaoDB and Cell Atlas) were applied and the cell compositions were calculated according to the expression of defined genes per cell type. irLP: immune-related lichen planus; LP: lichen planus; NDC: non-disease controls; n.s. = not significant Suppl. Figure 3. Significantly upregulated pathways in immune-related lichen planus compared to non-disease controls. Heatmap showing gene expression of genes involved in IL-12 mediated signaling events demonstrating upregulation of involved genes in irLP lesional skin compared to NDC. irLP: immune-related lichen planus; NDC: non-disease controls. Suppl. Table 1 : Patient’s characteristics under immune checkpoint inhibition (ICI) ; n=14 Suppl. Table 2 : Duration and response to therapy in irLP ; irLP : immune-related lichen planus Suppl. Table 3: Top 20 upregulated genes in irLP compared to NDC; irLP : immune-related lichen planus ; NDC: non-diseased controls Suppl. Table 4: Important biological functions in irLP compared to NDC (Gene Set Analysis Significance Scores); irLP : immune-related lichen planus ; NDC: non-diseased controls Suppl. Table 5: Top 20 upregulated genes in LP compared to NDC ; LP: lichen planus ; NDC: non-diseased controls Suppl. Table 6: Top 20 upregulated genes in irLP compared to LP ; irLP : immune-related lichen planus; LP: lichen planus Suppl. Table 7: Top 13 downregulated genes in irLP compared to LP; irLP : immune-related lichen planus; LP: lichen planus Suppl. Table 8: Important pathways in irLP compared to LP (Gene Set Analysis Significance Scores) irLP : immune-related lichen planus ; LP: lichen planus



Universitat Zurich


