Suppl. material "Checkpoint Inhibitor-induced lichen planus differs from spontaneous lichen planus on the clinical, histological and gene expression level"
Suppl. Figure 1. Gene expression analysis of lichen planus subtypes reveals notable differences in the gene expression profiles of immune-related Lichen planus, spontaneous Lichen planus and non-disease controls. (A) Heatmap showing the hierarchical clustering of 730 analyzed genes using NanoString. Volcanoplots of showing log2 fold change on x axis (cutoff at fold change =1.5 and -1.5); log10 (padj) with cutoff at p adj. = 0.05 on y axis; up- (green) and downregulated (purple) genes in irLP vs NDC (B), LP vs NDC (C) and irLP vs LP (D); irLP: immune-related lichen planus; LP: lichen planus; NDC: non-disease controls. Suppl. Figure 2. Cell distribution in immune-related lichen planus, spontaneous lichen planus and healthy skin. Algorithms from meta-analysis databases (PanglaoDB and Cell Atlas) were applied and the cell compositions were calculated according to the expression of defined genes per cell type. irLP: immune-related lichen planus; LP: lichen planus; NDC: non-disease controls; n.s. = not significant Suppl. Figure 3. Significantly upregulated pathways in immune-related lichen planus compared to non-disease controls. Heatmap showing gene expression of genes involved in IL-12 mediated signaling events demonstrating upregulation of involved genes in irLP lesional skin compared to NDC. irLP: immune-related lichen planus; NDC: non-disease controls. Suppl. Table 1 : Patient’s characteristics under immune checkpoint inhibition (ICI) ; n=14 Suppl. Table 2 : Duration and response to therapy in irLP ; irLP : immune-related lichen planus Suppl. Table 3: Top 20 upregulated genes in irLP compared to NDC; irLP : immune-related lichen planus ; NDC: non-diseased controls Suppl. Table 4: Important biological functions in irLP compared to NDC (Gene Set Analysis Significance Scores); irLP : immune-related lichen planus ; NDC: non-diseased controls Suppl. Table 5: Top 20 upregulated genes in LP compared to NDC ; LP: lichen planus ; NDC: non-diseased controls Suppl. Table 6: Top 20 upregulated genes in irLP compared to LP ; irLP : immune-related lichen planus; LP: lichen planus Suppl. Table 7: Top 13 downregulated genes in irLP compared to LP; irLP : immune-related lichen planus; LP: lichen planus Suppl. Table 8: Important pathways in irLP compared to LP (Gene Set Analysis Significance Scores) irLP : immune-related lichen planus ; LP: lichen planus