Replication data and code for Hsieh, Li, Ossa and Yang "Gains from Trade Liberalization with Flexible Extensive Margin Adjustment"

Published: 8 March 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/fhhznw45vs.1
Nicholas Li


Please read the Readme.txt file first. The zipped file contains all programs and data used to generate the tables and figures in the paper Hsieh, Li, Ossa and Yang "Gains from Trade Liberalization with Flexible Extensive Margin Adjustment."


Steps to reproduce

Software required: Stata, Matlab, and Excel [Note: SAS code is included to generate the special tabulations we used that were generated from confidential plant-level micro-data at Statistics Canada but SAS was not used for the analysis - we provide this code to allow other researchers to replicate these special tabulations if they go through the appropriate channels at Statistics Canada.]


Economics, International Economics, Trade
