Pilot Study for Normative value and reliability of Unilateral heel-rise test in age group 8 years old
This data signifies the normative value and reliability of a test, Unilateral heel-rise test, which is used to measure the strength of plantar-flexors, in the children of age group 8 years. In this dataset, HR_1 is first session, HR_2 is second session, HR_3 is third session of heel-rise (HR) test, HR_1 and HR_2 are intra-rater sessions, HR_2 and HR_3 are inter-rater sessions. M_HR_1_2 is the mean of first and second sessions (HR_1 and HR_2), M_HR_1_3 is the mean of second and third sessions (HR_2 and HR_3). D_HR_1_2 is the difference of HR_1 and HR_2 and D_HR_1_3 is the difference of HR_2 and HR_3. Total 29 children were included.
Steps to reproduce
The data was gathered from a recognized school of Mullana (India). The test was displayed after taking anthropometrics, which included height and weight. From height and weight, Body mass index (BMI) was calculated. For inter-rater reliability, two different raters assessed and for intra-rater reliability, same rater assessed same child twice, with a gap of 24 hours interval between the two sessions. The total number of heel rise until exhaustion was documented. The mean value for heel-rise of the first session was derived as normative value.