Medicinal Plant Identification Dataset

Published: 4 December 2023| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/fj93rrfv2y.2
Md Mafiul Hasan Matin Mafi,


• In our surroundings, there are various types of plants. In our daily lives, we use products derived from these plants in many ways. We depend on a vast kingdom of plants to meet all the needs of life, including food, clothing, shelter, education, and healthcare. We have already gained a lot of knowledge about this relationship. We have seen or heard that when children have a cold or cough at home, they are given a mixture of tulsi (holy basil) leaves and a few drops of honey. As a result, their cold and cough subside, and they feel relieved. If someone suddenly gets a cut on any part of their body, washing the wound with the juice of the aloe vera leaf or applying a poultice of durba grass can be beneficial. This helps stop bleeding, and within two to three days, the wound dries up, and the person recovers. The plants in our environment that are used for the relief or cure of diseases are called medicinal plants. • At one time, Bangladesh was rich in medicinal plants. Fields, riverbanks, roadsides, and forests were abundant with numerous medicinal plants. Due to the increase in population, the diverse use of land has risen. Additionally, due to ignorance, negligence, and lack of attention, the primary habitat of these medicinal plants, natural forest land, has decreased. Consequently, valuable tree resources like these have been diminished. Many species have already become extinct. Despite this, our country still has a sufficient number of medicinal plants scattered across remote and less-explored areas. We are not familiar with all of them. It is crucial for us to be aware of these medicinal plants, recognize them, and understand their uses and properties. As a result, we can play a significant role in the holistic well-being of the general population in our country by contributing to the management and cure of various diseases. • This medicinal plant identification dataset would likely consist of a collection of images and associated metadata related to various medicinal plants. The dataset would serve as a resource for developing and training machine learning models for the automatic identification and classification of medicinal plants. • Six distinct kinds of medicinal plants are shown in this large dataset, which can be used to develop machine vision-based techniques: Arjun Leaf, Curry Leaf, Marsh Pennywort Leaf, Mint Leaf, Neem Leaf, and Rubble Leaf. • In reality, 1380 images of medicinal plants were initially collected from the field. Subsequently, to increase the quantity of data points, various image processing techniques were applied, such as shifting, flipping, zooming, shearing, brightness enhancement, and rotation, resulting in a total of 9660 augmented images derived from the original images.



Daffodil International University


Medical Science, Computer Vision, Image Processing, Data Science, Image Classification, Deep Learning
