Dataset of WRF profiling
Published: 20 February 2017| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/fjgjyj55wm.2
Esteban HernandezDescription
This dataset is part of profiling WRF 3.8 about the most active and cpu consuming functions. This dataset including the compile process for libraries and WRF ARW model.
Steps to reproduce
1. Install Intel Parallel Studio Cluster Edition. 2. Compile the WRF and the required libraries (netcdf, netcdf-fortran, parallel-netcdf, hdf5, szip, libpng), 3. setup the environment variables to compiler and vtune amplifier 3. use the amplxe-gui 4. unzip the profile-improve*.tar.gz 4. open the result on vtune and try a new analysing and metrics
Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas, Universidad Industrial de Santander
Weather Forecasting, High Performance Computing