Beaver Fire Soil Data

Published: 12 May 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/fjn7shxfk7.1
Jaron Adkins


Soil data for 40 soil subsamples from 10 sites impacted by the Beaver Fire in California, USA. Samples were collected in August 2015, approximately one year after the fire. Forest floor material was removed by hand from within a 30 cm diameter sampling frame. Mineral soils were then collected to a depth of 5 cm. Variable descriptions: site - Name of the fire that affected the sampled plots plot_id - Simple plot identifier assigned by investigators azimuth - Soil samples were collected from four locations within each plot at 15 m from plot center. Azimuth identifies the direction from plot center that a sample was collected from. simple_id - Simple sub-sample identifer assigned by investigators dnbr - differenced normalized burn ratio rdnbr - relative differenced normalized burn ratio baer - Soil burn severity rating as assigned by the US Forest Service Burned Area Emergency Response Team sampling_date - date in M/D/YYYY that the sample was collected ms_C - mineral soil carbon concentration in percent ms_N - mineral soil nitrogen concentration in percent ms_C_stock - mineral soil carbon stock in kg carbon per square meter ms_N_stock - mineral soil nitrogen stock in g nitrogen per square meter ms_CN - mineral soil carbon-to-nitrogen ratio ms_pyc_index - proportion of mineral soil carbon that is pyrogenic carbon, as determined by nitric acid-hydrogen peroxide digestion ms_pyn_index - proportion of mineral soil nitrogen that is pyrogenic nitrogen, as determined by nitric acid-hydrogen peroxide digestion nh4_d0 - mineral soil ammonium concentration in ppm immediately after sample collection no3_d0 - mineral soil nitrate concentration in ppm immediately after sample collection TIN_d0- mineral soil total inorganic nitrogen concentration in ppm immediately after sample collection nh4_d300 - mineral soil soil ammonium concentration in ppm after a 300 day soil incubation n03_d300 - mineral soil nitrate concentration in ppm after a 300 day soil incubation TIN_d300 - mineral soil total inorganic nitrogen concentration in ppm after a 300 day soil incubation net_ammon - mineral soil net ammonification over a 300 day soil incubatoin net_nit - mineral soil net nitrification over a 300 day soil incubation net_Nmin - net nitrogen mineralization over a 300 day soil incubation ms_P - mineral soil phosphorus concentration in ppm ff_mass - mass of forest floor in grams collected from within a 30 cm diameter sampling frame ff_C - forest floor carbon concentration in percent pH - mineral soil pH grav_moist - mineral soil gravimetric moisture content in percent



Michigan State University


Forest Soil
