Dataset of the Individual Problems and Strengths scale (IPS): A clinical sample

Published: 13 September 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/fk5v8n726c.1


Raw data on the Individual Problems and Strength scale (IPS) that is a part of the Systemic Therapy Inventory of Change (STIC) system, in addition to some demographic variables. Totally 841 clients participating in couple and family therapy was recruited from 2010 until 2016. The data display the clients individual level of distress when they entered their first therapy session. Data are provided in CSV and SAV (SPSS) format. The data is described in detail in the article, Data on the Individual Problems and Strengths Scale from the Systemic Therapy Inventory of Change. Clinical samples from Norway.


Steps to reproduce

The data was acquired through the STIC online system.


Sorlandet sykehus HF, Modum Bad


Family Therapy, Psychotherapy, Psychological Assessment, Couples Therapy
