mRaichu data under HP with GAPd and GEFd

Published: 4 July 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/fkf468t79v.1
Teruhiko Matsuda


the data measured with the spectrometer B (Tokyo Univ.) and the HP-resistant cell. Note that the name including "+h" means the data of fluorescence spectra is under hydrostatic pressure. D, Ta file has mRaichu data in the presence of GDP, GppCp or proteinase K. DTc file has mRaichu data with GDP and GTP in the presence of GAP domain or GEF domain. CELL :+E file has mRaichu data (with GDP and GTP) in the presence of GAP domain with various concentration of GEF domain. CELL 1 :+A, CELL 2 :+A and C-CELL:+A file have mRaichu data (with GDP and GTP) in the presence of each concentration of GEF domain with various concentration of GAP domain.



Waseda Daigaku - Nishiwaseda Campus


Spectroscopy, Biophysics, Air Pressure
