Figure source files for article 'Three-dimensional analysis reveals diverse heat waves types in Europe'

Published: 21 May 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/fkfywnjcr8.1
Ondrej Lhotka, Jan Kysely


Figure source files in a plain text format (.txt) for the article 'Lhotka, O. & Kyselý, J. (2024): Three-dimensional analysis reveals diverse heat waves types in Europe. Communications Earth & Environment.' Figure 1: Mean cross sections of positive temperature anomalies for the heat waves’ types Figure 2: Lengths and timing within the extended summer season for the heat waves’ types Figure 3: Cross sections of positive temperature anomalies in 2003, 2016, 2018, 2019, and 2022 Figure 4: Development of soil moisture during individual heat waves



Climate, Troposphere, Extreme Event
