Data for: Rural Students’ Financial Literacy and Their Willingness to Study
The data source is a questionnaire survey conducted in July 2018. The survey was designed and administered to students from four junior middle schools at Midu County by “Peking University Caitong EconEdu for Kids”. This voluntary program aims to improve rural children’s financial literacy by offering free short-term financial education courses in rural schools. Located in the Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture of Yunnan Province, Midu County is one of the nationally-designated poor counties, with the largest proportion of the poverty population in Dali and a high rate of migrant worker outflow. Many teenagers remain in rural regions while their parents leave to work in urban areas. Rural Midu has been experiencing high dropout rate during recent years and the teenager students who drop out of school usually go to work. Therefore, our sample students are representative of the population in question. The survey interviews 1737 students in total. This dataset contains a large range of data items relating to: (1) basic personal information and family background; (2) understanding of financial information on government subsidy policies in compulsory education; (3) financial knowledge measured by the understanding of compound interest, inflation and personal financing; (4) financial behavior in terms of budget planning and saving; (5) willingness to study, measured by self-assessed opportunity cost of attending school, expected future earnings and preference for savings for further education.