Lactarius deliciosus occurrence data in Refahiye and Tekçam forest planning units - Turkiye

Published: 26 February 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/fn28w9bxkj.1
Daniela Cedano Giraldo


The database comprises georeferenced data points (WGS84) indicating the presence (1) and absence (0) of the edible mushroom species, Lactarius deliciosus, widely recognized as Saffron milk cap. These data were collected within the Refahiye and Tekçam forest planning units in Turkiye during September and October 2021. Researchers and enthusiasts can leverage this comprehensive dataset to explore the geographic patterns in the occurrence of L. deliciosus, contributing valuable knowledge to the mycological and ecological research community.


Steps to reproduce

To determine the spatial distribution of L. deliciosus an array of 173 temporary sampling units, each measuring 100 m² (10 × 10 m), was randomly established across the study area. Given the inventory's primary objective to delineate spatial distribution areas, the data collection protocol focused solely on recording the presence or absence of L. deliciosus sporocarps within each sampling unit without physically removing them.


Karadeniz Teknik Universitesi


Ecology, Ecological Modeling, Natural Resource, Applied Geography, Forest Management
