Comparison of Two Novel Comfilcon A Contact Lens Designs in the Management of Computer Vision Syndrome: A Pilot Study

Published: 15 October 2018| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/fnbxs7gb82.1
Daniel Fuller


Purpose: This pilot study compares the subjective experiences and visual performance of within subjects with symptoms of Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) using two novel comfilcon A lens designs, one of which is specifically designed for digital device use. Results: A total of 9 subjects completed the study. No statistically significant difference (p>0.05) between designs for CVS-Q, binocular high and low contrast Log MAR visual acuities at either distance or near, subjective defocus at distance, or objective accommodation. Subjects expressed no clear preference for either design. Conclusion: This limited pilot study suggests there is little subjective or objective clinical difference between either spherical or multi-aspheric novel soft contact lens designs among subjects symptomatic for CVS and with normal accommodative or binocular function. This study may suggest factors other than dry eye, accommodative or binocular dysfunction contribute to symptoms in this group. Additional sufficiently powered studies are needed to compare outcomes among subjects with accommodative or binocular dysfunction, experiencing CVS.


Steps to reproduce

Methods: Subjects consisted of experienced soft contact lens wearers found to be symptomatic for CVS after screening with a validated questionnaire (CVS-Q) and without accommodative or binocular dysfunction. Subjects were randomly assigned to wear one of two novel soft contact lens designs for one month using a double-masked, cross-over design. Primary outcome measures assessed included symptoms, visual performance, and patient preferences. Descriptive statistics and within participant comparisons at exit from each design were assessed.


Southern College of Optometry


Contact Lenses
