Supplementary material for: Challenges and future research directions in Secure Multi-Party Computation for resource-constrained devices and large-scale computations

Published: 24 April 2023| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/fng5rn83nd.3
, Cristina Regueiro,


This data file contains the whole review process of a systematic literature review entitled "Challenges and future research directions in Secure Multi-Party Computation for resource-constrained devices and large-scale computations". The objective of this material is to make the literature review fully transparent and reproducible. To conduct the extraction process, the authors use the extension Highlight&Go¹ , so some of the sheets are the direct results extracted from that tool and others are additional information about the review process that could be of interest to the reader. ¹


Steps to reproduce

- Related reviews: It gathers metadata about related work. - Selection process: It collects every step to be followed to reproduce the SLR, including search strings and rationales for including or excluding a study. - Scopus-Metadata: It gathers metadata about the selected studies. - PrimaryStudies: It contains the metadata that Highlight&Go automatically collects. - Extractor-View: The complete classification scheme of both extractors after reaching an agreement. - idoia.gamiz: The classification scheme of the first extractor. - cristinaregueiro: The classification scheme of the second extractor. - Auditor-TreeView: It shows an automatic validation of the SLR performed by Highlight&Go. - Study Quality Assessment: A study quality assessment of the selected studies based on the objectives of the SLR.


Universidad del Pais Vasco - Campus Bizkaia


Cryptography, Machine Learning, Big Data, Internet of Things, Literature Review
