Knowing the intention behind limb movements of a partner increases embodiment towards the limb of joint avatar
All data collected during the experiment can be found here separated into dyads (Dyad1, Dyad2, etc.) Experiment conditions corresponding to the trial numbers are as follows Trial 1 (SG_L) - Same goal condition (Left hand stabbed at the end) Trial 2 (SG_R) - Same goal condition (Right hand stabbed at the end) Trial 3 (DGV_L) - Different goals: Visible condition (Left hand stabbed at the end) Trial 4 (DGV_R) - Different goals: Visible condition (Right hand stabbed at the end) Trial 5 (DGI_L) - Different goals: Invisible condition (Left hand stabbed at the end) Trial 6 (DGI_R) - Different goals: Invisible condition (Right hand stabbed at the end) The folder for each Dyad contains the following folders along with "TrialOrder.txt" and "Info.xlsx" files. TrialOrders file contains the order in which the dyad performed the experiment trials(sessions) and Info contains basic information about each participant in the dyad (Dominant hand, age, and height). 1. "MotionData" folder --> Contains 46 CSV files. All data in this folder are recorded at a sample rate of 90Hz. "Trial<trialNumber>BallInfo<color>.csv" files contain position data of the target spheres in each frame during the reaching tasks. (Column 1: Frame number, Column 2: Visibility (0: invisible, 1: visible), Columns 3,4,5: x,y,z coordinates of the target) Other files contain position and rotation data of each bone of each actor and the joint avatar (refer file names to categorize). 2. Questionnaire --> Contains 2 Excel files (LeftActor, and RightActor). Each file has 6 tabs corresponding to the 6 trials (sessions) in the experiment. 3. SCR --> Contains 2 CSV files (LeftActor, and RightActor). Each file contains the skin conductance response in micro siemens at a sample rate of 1000Hz detected in a 10s post-stimulus (knife) time window and a 5s pre-stimulus time window. Therefore, each file contains 15,000 samples for each trial.